I want to be someone you want to talk to,
someone you sit staring
with the chat window open for an hour,
wishing I would initiate conversation
so you didn’t have to,
typing three different messages on the theme:
“I want to talk to you so bad right now”
before deleting them to start all over again
because the first one sounded just a little too desperate
and the second just a little too abrupt,
but still not sending the third draft
for fear I might take you seriously.
I want you to know what it must have felt like in the 90s
when you waited by the phone for hours
hoping it would ring,
practicing how to say hello
and make it sound nonchalant and cool and breathless
like you had to run all the way from across the house,
but still sound surprised
because no-you-weren’t-waiting-by-the-phone-why-am-I-calling?
I want that Pavlovian response
every time you see that green notification by my name
as you hover with indecision,
torn between clicking open the status bar
and deleting me from your friends
just so you aren’t racked with temptation
every time you see I’m online.
But I guess it’s worked the other way around,
unless you’re playing this game too
and maybe, just maybe, I should make your day.